Wednesday, April 4, 2007

the drive home

Alas, all lovely events must end. After a quiet morning, I headed out on the drive home. I had considered getting together with the girls before leaving and I just wasn't in the head or heart space to make it happen. I had a lot on my mind and felt a need to stay there for a bit.

After I was on the road for a bit, my mind must have wandered and I got sidetracked or maybe my mood was lifting. I honestly don't remember any more. Just as I was approaching Ellensburg, I spotted him, the Washington State Trooper. Unfortunately, he already had me in his sights.

What I do remember is I had just passed a truck that didn't want me to pass him. I had to speed up to make the pass and get the Subaru I had behind me off my tail. I didn't slow down soon enough. As I passed the trooper, I saw him pull out. The thought occured to me it might be me he was after but I quickly reasoned he would have to go after the Subaru. Not. Either the Subaru slowed down in time to miss the gun or he was after my out of state dollars. I tend to believe the latter.

When he pulled into the lane behind me I knew the gig was up. His lights went on and I began shaking. Oh shit. [Sorry, Mom M!] (Not *exactly* what I was saying...) Up to this point, I had never been pulled over in my 20 years of driving. (Ok, one time by a community college campus cop. I don't think that really counts.)

He finally gets out of his car and tells me I was going 80 in the 70. I was shocked. I didn't remember going that fast, I stammered something about my cruise control and then lamely stated that I was just keeping up with traffic. "That doesn't make it right," he says, "now, I wouldn't pull someone over for going 4 over the speed limit." I guess I wasn't meek enough. The next thing I heard from him was a request for my license, registration and proof of insurance. Yikes! He went back to his car. Even at that point I was still hopeful that I might get away with a warning. No dice. He came back with a ticket. $91!!

I shook for a few more miles down the road and cursed every car that passed me after that. "Where is that trooper now?" You better believe my cruise wasn't set for more than 3 over the rest of the way home. It took me a little longer to make the trip but my gas mileage was probably better.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn,

Sorry about the ticket!

BTW, the trooper that nailed you would have a field day in southern California!

You know, the left lane cruising speed on I-15 averages around 80 mph in a 70 mph zone. Even at that speed, it's not uncommon to see cars passing you at 90 plus mph.

I've passed cops going 80 and they haven't even given me a second look!


.Jenn. said...

Hi Bob! I'm so glad you wrote. I hear you and Rob had a very nice conversation while I was gone. Good to know I can count on his friends to keep him busy while I'm away. =)