Friday, April 20, 2007

on the road again

Can't you just hear Willie warbling his famous tune? Or do you hear Donkey? Humming to keep from irritating his new best friend, Shrek?

We are soon on our way to Bellingham. After some discussion, we've decided to get one more good night's sleep here at home (and EARLY night) and leave at o'dark thirty tomorrow rather than rush out of here this afternoon. It's too crazy making. We'll still be there by early afternoon once the time change is considered.

We're hooked up to meet Joanne on Saturday and maybe Sue later in the week. Both very good things in my book. I'm looking forward to introducing Rob to them.

That's about it for the moment. I've got a few more things to throw in my bag and dinner to fix then it's off to bed. I'll be back here in about a week to 10 days. I won't even begin to promise an immediate report when we get home. It always takes me a day or two or three to get back on track.

Love to you.

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