Saturday, April 7, 2007


I just got back from a "run" with Tiika. I say "run" because it seemed like barely a jog. I was quite ok most of the time when Tiika wanted to stop to sniff something. Usually I get quite annoyed when she does this and we're out exercising on her leash. This is why having access to a trail where she can run free is so important for us in a new place to live.

This picture is a bit old but she's awfully cute when she's running around with a pink toy in her mouth (thank you Grandma!).

Last night we went to a great percussion concert at the University. There was a family sitting in front of us and the little boy was clearly enjoying himself. I whispered to Rob, "I can't wait until Will is old enough for us to take him to things like this!" Especially if he likes drums...

Laundry's going and there is a list of things I'd like to get done today including some emails I need to respond to.



Anonymous said...


I loved reading your list of life values stemming from the time your grandma gave you pennies. I love how my life priorities have shifted from "things" to family, friends, dogs and life connections.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn,

What a treat to see a picture of Tiika!

Thanks so much for the wonderful gift/book you and Rob sent us in honor of our 25th wedding anniversary.

We have never read anything by Thich Nhat Hanh but have heard nothing but great things about him, his life, and writings.

Hope you both are doing well.

Lots of love,

Bob and Valerie