Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Where's my Pop?

Rob left yesterday morning for his 10-day meditation retreat. He's been looking forward to it for months. I'm really glad he's doing it for himself.

Prior to his leaving, I mused about how Miss Tiika would take his absence. Last night as I watched a movie (Thelma & Louise) she lay curled at my feet on the couch. Every time she heard a car door slam outside she raised her head, perked her ears and listened for his steps on the porch. Alas, the pup was disappointed every time. She went to bed as normal.

When she got up this morning she dashed to our bedroom to give her good morning wishes to Pop as is her habit. She quickly returned. Then it was potty time followed by another check in the bedroom. After we came in from our jaunt down the street, she cruised down the hall once again.

This evening she doesn't seem to be listening as intently and is more focused on what I'm having for dinner. A very good sign that she's not concerned. I'm sure she'll be delighted when he returns (as will I) but seems to have quickly adjusted to it being all Mama, all the time.

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