Tuesday, September 11, 2007

gondola in idaho

Did you know there was a gondola in Idaho? Not only that but it is the longest one in the world. On our last "escape the smoke" weekend we ended up spending the day in Kellogg, ID at the top of Silver Mountain Ski Resort, home to the longest gondola ride in the world. Imagine that.

It took about 20 minutes to reach the top. I got a bit nauseous along the way. The really awesome part? They let us bring Tiika with us. (We wouldn't have gone if she wasn't allowed. It was too hot to leave her behind.) She was a little bothered by the ride but overall was her usual traveler trooper self.

In spite of our intention of getting out of the smoke, we still had to deal with a bit of smoky haze as you can see here.

We spent time on top chillin' (an hour, maybe two? I don't remember). Rob went on to ride a chairlift farther up. I declined going since I was still feeling woozy. It wasn't Tiika friendly anyway so only one of us could go at a time. I snacked on some french fries and doodled in my journal. I should have brought my iPod. There is a playground at the top and it was being well-used by what felt like a huge crowd of kids.

Just before we went back down into town so we could head home, Rob and Tiika shared an apple. I love how delicate she can be with her mouth.

That wraps it up for tonight. I still have pictures from our August trip I'd like to post. I need to sort them and prepare them for the web before that can happen. Things are a bit intense at work right now so I don't have a lot of desire to sit in front of the computer when I get home. Who knows when they'll appear. Not I.


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