Thursday, February 12, 2009

happy belated valentine's day

This year I have a wish, a wish to be a little bit closer to the ones I love. I began feeling this desire back around Christmas. It grew until I knew I needed to do something, to act on this urge.

Out of my desire, I chose to create Valentines for you (my family and close friends who are like family to me). Each one is unique, like my relationships with each of you. I struggled with what I wanted to write on these missives of love. Everything I wanted to say seemed too big for that little card. I landed on simple, "From my heart to yours". There is more behind that five word phrase. I want to explain.

I have long believed, though not necessarily spoken this belief aloud, that little things lead to big things. The smallest grain of sand is an integral part of the largest castle, one resting on top of another, accumulating to create something more grand than any one grain could be by itself. I think this is true of all aspects of life, from relationships to goals to spirituality. Each little burst of energy establishes a firmer hold, brings me closer to what I want to create.

Now, all of this can be true and lead to something less than beautiful if the energy is used to construct, say, a dungeon. I acknowledge this and choose to focus on what I want rather than what I fear. What I hope for in sending these Valentines, is that they can be grains of sand in a bridge to bring me closer to each of you. The essence I choose to keep close is this: I believe small things lead to big things, and every small, sweet act of love builds upon another to create something greater.

My heart holds each of you tenderly and I am grateful for you. Thank you

(The two images I've included here are the Valentine's Rob and I chose from the batch that I created. The first one is his and the second one is mine. I'm not entirely happy with the scans that resulted. Hopefully they look better on your screen than they do on mine!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Beautiful,
Don't know why it has been awhile since I checked in on your page, but tonight as I lay in bed trying to sleep something whispered to me to look. I am glad that I did, I loved my Valentine, so creative, so unique,and love-touched. The beauty that has come from your heart just astounds me, I am in awe. I love you. Mom

.Jenn. said...

Hi Mom, so nice to see you here! I've been slacking off in posting again. *sigh* I'm glad you liked the Valentine. My art definitely comes from my heart, even when I'm not aware of it. Love you!