Friday, December 26, 2008

opening a present entertainment

Yesterday was a great day. We slept in (for us, 7 am is sleeping in!) and had a lovely breakfast of eggs and bacon, coffee with eggnog, all started with a couple of Mom's fabulous Christmas cookies. Then we opened some presents and made the first round of holiday phone calls.

We did very well in the gift giving department for each other, no question. The most extravagant purchase was decided on in advance - snowshoes! (More on those later.) We also received well-chosen gifts from my mom, a generous check from Rob's mom, a family history from Grandma O., breakfast foods from Jane, dinner via Omaha steaks from my dad and Virginia, and a passel of family photo Christmas cards.

I have to say the most entertaining portion of the morning was giving Tiika her gifts. She pretty much inhaled the twisty, meaty, chew-thing that was her first gift. The second gift, a tug-a-jug, gave her a few more challenges. This product was recommended by the owner of Go Fetch!, Tiika's favorite store in the whole world. Witness her opening skills:

She really gets into it doesn't she?
And then her investigation of "just how does this thing work?"

Due to the strategically placed holes at the "bottom", she is still convinced that there is some way in at the wrong end. She has had some success at getting treats out, enough so that she keeps coming back but not enough that she can gorge on the whole thing at once.

Though I missed seeing and hugging family throughout the day, it was good to connect on the phone. All in all, I think staying in Missoula was the right thing for us this year especially since the weather and roads were pretty yucky. There will be more Christmas Days.

I'll post more later on how we spent the rest of our day.

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