Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas tree finding

Whew! We're home from finding our Christmas tree. It was just cold enough, a little bit snowy for Tiika and a nice, gentle hike to boot. We walked along a forest road for a stretch until we saw a tree that caught our eye.

From there we wandered up the slope toward another group of trees that might hold our delight and then...Rob spotted the one we were looking for.

After asking the tree if it would like to come home with us, we silently waited for it's answer. We didn't detect any negative feelings and interpreted that as a yes.

It is the perfect size and shape for the spot we intend to perch it in. The branches are long and it smells divine. Now, to wait for it to be dry so we can decorate it!

This was only the second time we've gone out and gotten a tree, we're usually not home enough to put out the effort of it all. The only other time was the first year we were married. Gretchen came home and the four of us went out in the white Subaru to find a tree.

Hmmm, this year we didn't have Teal or Gretchen with us...and we missed them. =( Another year we'll have to make the expedition together.

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