Sunday, December 21, 2008

Evening music

Over the last few weeks we have talked of wanting to do something to mark the Winter Solstice. We didn't really know what and then this morning we saw an advertisement for a concert that intrigued us, A Musical Dreamtime Journey. It was put on by The Drum Brothers.

The Drum Brothers is a pair of brothers from the area who make music together for a living. It is mostly percussion but also world type instruments such as the didgeridoo. They also teach music and the creation of drums.

Tonight's event was with one brother and another person. They played an assortment of instruments from the Native American flute to drums to the harp to Tibetan bowls in surprising combinations. They also recited some poetry from Rumi and Wendell Berry about dark and light.

I wish I had brought the camera so you could see the elaborate set-up. You can kind of see it in the link to the concert above. The concert took place at the Downtown Dance Cooperative. (I thought they had a website but I can't find it right now.) The room was rectangular with one long wall almost all mirrors. The only lighting during the performance was probably two dozen candles. They reflected nicely off the mirrors, easily doubling their glow. Most people were sitting on the floor with blankets and pillows.

It was a great evening. We were both so glad we decided to make a night of it for ourselves on this Solstice which also happens to be the first night of Hanukkah. We hope you did something to commemorate this, the longest of nights. Time to plant some seeds in preparation for the light.

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