Friday, May 2, 2008

monthly report

Um, yeah, I can't even honestly say I am posting monthly right now. I think about it often and then just don't put the energy into do it. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I'm thinking about it.

In the meantime, I want to share a couple of pictures from ArtFest. I am still so completely happy with the pieces I created this year. In many ways, it was an even better experience than last year. I had an art buddy/friend in each of my classes which definitely enhanced my experience. I also had way less angst about our upcoming move so my mood in general was more upbeat. What a difference a year makes.

The first class I took was from Anahata Katkin called Mixed Media Mandalas. We worked on 24" x 24" canvases. This is the largest I have ever worked and was nervous about it. I didn't need to be. Anahata is a great teacher and the class was fast paced with no time to worry about how to fill the space. (She is also behind the fabulous company, Papaya! that she runs with her mom from Ashland, OR. You've probably seen her work at your favorite independent card store.)

What do you think of my finished piece? We are still trying to decide where to hang it. I'm still lovin' it.

My second class was with Lynne Perrella, a perennial favorite at ArtFest. She offers the same class all three days and they are always full. My first book purchase when I began doing collage art was Alphabetica so I was thrilled to get into her class this year.

This was another large canvas day, more along the lines of 40" x 30". Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of that piece. It is kind of dark and chaotic but colorful with lots of movement and texture. It it's easier to show in person and travels fairly easily so I can bring it on our next road trip.

My third and final class was a floor covering class with Judy Wise, an artist out of Canby, OR. Honestly, that was part of my draw when I started reading her blog, the fact that she lives in Oregon. I continue reading because I enjoy her art, her art journaling and her story telling.

And again, I found myself working large in this class. The canvases she prepared for us were, I believe, 28" x 34". I amazed myself with how I filled the space without too much worrying. The hardest part for me was the placement of the words. I wish I had done it slightly different than the final result but I love it anyway. It all worked out just fine. (That was my mantra, btw, for the whole time I was at ArtFest. You can ask Joanne and Elisabeth, I muttered it quite a bit.)

There is a great photo of my floorcovering on Judy's blog (ArtFest 4, I think) but it seems to have gotten corrupted or something and I can't get it right now. If I can get it, I'll come back and post it later, like, probably next week. To build the suspense, enjoy the shot of Elisabeth (sitting, in pink) and I working away, side by side.

So there, now you know something about ArtFest this year. You feel all caught up, don't you? Ok, I don't either but I'm done being in front of the computer for now.


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