Monday, November 12, 2007

still out of town

I'm still out of town but wanted to pop in here for a second.

This weekend was amazing for me. I was surrounded by great people, doing something that matters to me. Truly, there is nothing else quite like it. I think I must have said that a dozen times yesterday alone.

For more information about what I was up to, see the Excellence Seminars International website. The specific course I was there to support is called The Wall.

I first took these courses back in the 90's in Portland and got a lot of value out of them. I have volunteered a fair amount of time over the intervening years because I love going back and revisiting the content and being a part of other people's discovery process. Due to being in Montana, it's been a while. I am glad I took advantage of the opportunity when it presented itself.

And tomorrow I get to see Teal, Gretchen and Mike. A nice bonus of being in the area. =)

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