Tuesday, November 6, 2007

how could I forget?

I don't know how I forgot to mention this...

On our way to the main course we encountered wildlife in the form of a black bear. Someone in the group saw him (?) ambling through a yard and stopped to watch, giving him a wide berth. As the rest of us caught up and waited him out he gathered some speed and dashed across the path in front of us to the safety of the trees at the creek. He was eager to be out of our presence and get back to being a bear in the woods.

It was great to see him. I have been hearing about the bears in Greenough Park for weeks but hadn't actually seen any. A best guess at age and weight is about 4 years old and 350lbs. He looked as though we'd interrupted him from rolling around on the ground as his fur was covered in dusty dirt.

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