Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

It's pretty darn cold and white here this morning. When I took Tiika out for her morning constitutional, it was snowing lightly. It's too cold for it to be much more than that.

Rob is in the kitchen making us a hearty breakfast. We intend to head out into the cold and hike the morning away. This afternoon we are heading to the Furey's house for feasting, fun and extended-family celebration of the richness and wealth of our lives.

We hope all of you are surrounded by your dear ones, enjoying each other today.

Much love.

.Jenn, Rob & Tiika.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

snowy world

We're still alive and kicking here. It's truly winter now, too. We got hit with a lot of heavy, wet snow overnight on Sunday/Monday morning. This article in the Missoulian sums it up pretty well along with a nice picture. We weren't without electricity for too long though we didn't have water when we got home from work. It was restored in a reasonable time.

I am posting this from work since our computer at home is in flux right now. This should be resolved in the next day or so.

I'm looking forward to a nice, four-day weekend...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

home, home, home

Yippee! I'm home. Rolled in kind of late last night. Completely wired by the triple latte I picked up in Coeur d'Alene. That much caffeine made it difficult to sleep. Regardless, it was great to get home to Rob and Tiika. They had flowers, chocolate and a card waiting for me in addition to hugs and kisses and leaps. In service to my health, I slept in this morning and am just now getting ready to head in to work. Back to the routine.

Monday, November 12, 2007

still out of town

I'm still out of town but wanted to pop in here for a second.

This weekend was amazing for me. I was surrounded by great people, doing something that matters to me. Truly, there is nothing else quite like it. I think I must have said that a dozen times yesterday alone.

For more information about what I was up to, see the Excellence Seminars International website. The specific course I was there to support is called The Wall.

I first took these courses back in the 90's in Portland and got a lot of value out of them. I have volunteered a fair amount of time over the intervening years because I love going back and revisiting the content and being a part of other people's discovery process. Due to being in Montana, it's been a while. I am glad I took advantage of the opportunity when it presented itself.

And tomorrow I get to see Teal, Gretchen and Mike. A nice bonus of being in the area. =)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

you should see this

I just came across this story in my morning perusing of the New West headlines. It is about a grizzly bear that got hit and killed near Lincoln, MT. The pictures are jaw dropping though a little bloody. It is a HUGE animal, notice how much room he takes up on the bed of the truck. Wow...poor bear. He makes the one we saw on our bike ride look like a mini.

out of town

I am heading out of town this afternoon. Going to Seattle to volunteer with a program that has been important to me over the last 15+ years. I have missed being involved since moving here. I am really looking forward to the experiences of the weekend. As a bonus I get to hang out with (at least a bit) with some friends and visit with Teal, Mike and Gretchen before coming home on Wednesday. I might even get in a hike in the Cascades. The last item will depend on the weather.

There's a chance I'll be writing between now and then but no guarantees. Have a great week!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

amazing cellist

Last night we were privileged to hear an amazing cellist from Israel, Amit Peled, as part of a festival concert at UM. He is the most expressive cellist I have ever seen. Not that I've seen that many, mind you. However, it's not often that symphony music stirs me. And at this performance, I was stirred. I could feel the resonance in my chest.

The piece I liked best was a Jewish prayer that comes early in the celebration of Yom Kippur called Kol Nidrei, Op. 47. The symphony plays the part of the congregation and the lead cello is the cantor. I really enjoyed the interplay of the two.

The second piece Mr. Peled contributed was a Tchaikovsky one with lively variations. It was a lighter piece. It was a demonstration of just how high a cello can go. (Much higher than you might think.)

We left at the intermission because he wasn't going to be playing any further and we were tired. Apparently he is going to be recording a cd with the String Orchestra of the Rockies called "The Jewish Soul". We are both very curious about it and may have to search it out.

(Oh, by the way, this concert was free.)

how could I forget?

I don't know how I forgot to mention this...

On our way to the main course we encountered wildlife in the form of a black bear. Someone in the group saw him (?) ambling through a yard and stopped to watch, giving him a wide berth. As the rest of us caught up and waited him out he gathered some speed and dashed across the path in front of us to the safety of the trees at the creek. He was eager to be out of our presence and get back to being a bear in the woods.

It was great to see him. I have been hearing about the bears in Greenough Park for weeks but hadn't actually seen any. A best guess at age and weight is about 4 years old and 350lbs. He looked as though we'd interrupted him from rolling around on the ground as his fur was covered in dusty dirt.

Monday, November 5, 2007

progressive bicycle dinner

The day after the James Taylor concert we had a date with the bicycle club. We have never done a ride with the club before but were invited to join them for their semi-annual progressive dinner.

The idea is this, you ride from house to house eating your way through the courses of the meal beginning with appetizers and ending with dessert. Everyone brings something to contribute so it's also a potluck. We got tagged for dessert, hence the pumpkin pie mentioned in an earlier post. (My red pouring bowl was perfect for the task of mixing the filling. Not a drop was spilled in the transfer! Thanks, Mom!)

We began with layered dip and chips as our appetizer at the first house, then we pedaled the long way to the next course: soup. One of the goals of this ride appears to be, never go the direct way if there's a more fun and invigorating option. Enroute to the soup course we had a pause so a member could announce that she had reached her 1000th mile for the year. Oh, by the way, this member is in her late 70's. She's pretty amazing in my book.

After soup, we headed to the University district for salad. There was a pile of luscious greens and a salad with chunks of chicken and pea pods. Both were delicious. The next course was the main dish. We were getting a bit nervous about arriving at this next stop. It was up the Rattlesnake which could mean a good bit of climbing. Luckily, they weren't located where it initially sounded like they were, though it was still a bit of a climb.

Main dishes included a quiche, two versions of a Mexican casserole and meatloaf. I'm not ordinarily a fan of meatloaf but decided to try this one. I'm glad I did, it was moist and delicious. We're supposed to be getting the recipe.

And now it was time to head back down the hill, returning to almost the starting point, for the dessert course. Besides our pumpkin pie there was chocolate cake and cheesecake served with a yummy punch. There was a small fire out in the front yard in one of those pit things and lots of lounging around as folks relaxed. We had ridden about 33 miles and taken six hours to cover it. Eating every 8-10 miles really slows things down!

As this was my first ride of the year, my butt was very sore for the next few days. I think Rob's was a bit sore, too. He hadn't ridden since the fires crept in this summer. We were pooped and satisfied when we got home.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

about that concert

Last Saturday we went to the event I have been waiting a long time for: the James Taylor concert. First, a little backstory. The last time I had a chance to go, I was getting MARRIED! When I found out about this concert, I was very excited until I realized it was going to happen while Rob was out of town. I was initially stymied about what to do. He suggested asking our friends Tim and Sue if they wanted to go. I did and they did so I bought three tickets and the wait began.

In the meantime, Rob's plans changed and he was now going to be in town for the concert and really wanted to go. Unfortunately, the concert was sold out by then and the only tickets I came across were on sale by people looking to make some money. I told Tim and Sue about the situation. Since they move in much larger circles than us, we figured they'd come across a fourth ticket before the concert. They never did and neither did we. Tim said he would give up his seat for Rob. (What a great friend!)

It was decided that all four of us would go out before the concert for beers and wings and Tim would be our chauffeur. The restaurant we went to was within walking distance, so about an hour before the concert was to begin, he went over to see if there were any affordable options on a ticket for him. He was gone about 15 minutes. When he returned, he sadly said, "They are all sold out at the ticket office." Then the grin appeared. He had approached a couple of people on the sidewalk selling their tickets. They wanted too much, so he wandered inside to see what the situation might be. He ran into a woman who had a friend who was sick and wouldn't be attending with her. She gave him the friend's ticket. For FREE! Yes, you read that right, Tim got a free ticket to the concert.

We were all thrilled. Though we wouldn't be sitting together, at least he'd be able to go. His seat was way up in the "nose bleed" section. He sat there for about 5 minutes before he went to go get a beer. He ended up not sitting for the entire concert but enjoyed it immensely anyway. He even got to wander the main floor where we were because as soon as we got seated, Sue gave him her ticket in case anyone asked what he was doing.

Rob, Sue and I had the primo seats. We were near the center in Row 6. I could see everything about James Taylor I wanted to. He's a great performer. He seems so humble and yet connected to the crowd. He really seemed to be looking at the crowd, making eye contact. Most of the playlist was made up of his enormous run of hits: Sweet Baby James, Fire and Rain, Steamroller, Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight. He also did some of his 80's & 90's hits: Copperline, Line 'Em Up. Honestly, I was so focused on being present and just enjoying I don't remember the exact playlist. It was simply great and fun and romantic with Rob by my side.

In spite of having had such a nice time, I'm not sure I will do it again. Rob and I were talking over the next couple of days and while we thoroughly enjoyed the experience, it is just crazy what it costs to get there. For what we paid in tickets, we could have had every single one of his cds to enjoy anytime we wanted AND have some beers to go with them. It is simply an extravagance for us that we don't intend to repeat. I love live music but in this case, the equation just doesn't add up. I'm glad we went because this particular experience has been on my list for a long time. Now I can cross it off and be satisfied.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Wild Me

You simply have to check out this interactive website: Build Your Wild Self. It is great fun for kids and adults. This was my result from the first time around:

Cool, huh? And there was also a bit about the parts I chose. I don't want to show them here so you can try it without bias. Go for it! I want to do another, more wild child one.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


For as grumpy as I've been about work lately, I have to admit I had a nice time at the celebration dinner on Monday night. Especially the next morning when I opened the envelope I was given that evening. It was a bonus, something I had a hunch (and a hope!) was coming. The delightful surprise was the amount. After taxes, it is just short of what I owe for ArtFest (before taxes it was more than enough, dang taxes!).

As soon as I deposit my bonus, I will be sending off a check for the final payment so I won't even have to think about it anymore. I can then focus more on putting together my supplies. This year ought not be quite so daunting since I have most of the basics and my classes mostly require basics with a few frills throw in for spice. Honestly, I still have a few things I bought last year that haven't even been touched!