Monday, May 11, 2009

River Time

I've been biking home lately trying to get ready for New Zealand. It's about 11 miles and usually provides a good warmup prior to taking Tiika out. Today, however, there was a strong headwind and I was pretty tired by the time I came home. It was time to hit the river!This is the Blackfoot River and as you can see, it's running high and fast due to spring runoff. A little too high and fast for me.
On the other hand, it doesn't faze our Tiika girl. I threw a stick and she launched herself off the bank. Here she is in her seeking position.
Success! In spite of being out in the middle of a strong current, she casually turns and swims towards shore. I envy her oneness with the river and her supreme confidence in her own self. Not making it to shore is just not part of her vision, so, of course, she arrives safe and sound.And she's ready to go again. This scenario was repeated many times until finally it was time to head home and make dinner.

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