Saturday, January 12, 2008

mish mash, catch up

I've been meaning to post this link for over a week now and keep running out of time. I am putting it first so no more excuses! It's a short piece on a place of great interest to us these days. Safety counts, ya know. Thanks, Cassie! (The only thing I can't figure is why it's under weird news...)

Yesterday I took my first run with another person (other than the two "races" I've entered and one training run with Rob when I was in better shape than I am today). It was interesting and hard. She seemed challenged to go at my slow pace. Regardless, I had a hard time conversing with her and kept shooting questions her way so she had to talk and not me. The frustrating part was that she would toss questions my way that I really wanted to answer so I had to wheeze out my words.

I mentioned my slow pace, right? I don't think I could go any slower without walking. As long as I'm not talking, which I'm usually not since I go alone or with Tiika who doesn't converse with me that way, I feel fine about my pace. I think it's simply a matter of getting in better shape. I'm planning to ask my friend if she'd be willing to run with me every couple of weeks or so because I think this might be a good way for me to measure my fitness progress.

Last weekend I got a good start on my ArtFest trades, both the ones I'm doing only for my housemates and also the inchies I'm doing for general trading. I'd like to spend some time this weekend puttering on them. When I have some inchies finished, I intend to post pictures. The other ones are going to be a surprise so no pictures. I like doing things for people that will be even slightly unexpected.

I'd say that wrap things up for now. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

Hi Jenn! What classes are you taking at AF?

I'll be doing Perching Pixies, Personal Icons and Fi Fie Faux.

I hope to run into you if only to say hello and trade! :)