Friday, January 4, 2008


I've never been a big New Year's Resolutions kind of gal. As a pre-teen/teenager it was more about making predictions. I'd write them out on a piece of notebook paper, seal them in an envelope and stash it in a desk drawer to be opened at the beginning of the following year. I wasn't ever very accurate in my guesses. Mostly they were hopes for the future rather than goals I was going to achieve though I suppose I did my best to attract that hunky boyfriend of my dreams.

I guess I like to believe I notice things that need to be handled through out the year and start working on them. Sometimes the steps I'm taking are obvious, sometimes not-so-much. This year I'm thinking there might be something to making resolutions at the same time as everyone else. Peer pressure and the pure energy factor being the driving factors. Everyone is focused on bringing their best selves forward. The potential is awesome. I wonder if there have been studies on productivity in January. Probably.

How do you feel about New Year's Resolutions?

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