Wednesday, January 9, 2008


On Monday I took my first run of the New Year. I was surprised at how great I felt! Runners high, endorphins firing, cheesy grin. I had to slow to a stop a couple of times but it was almost more a mental need than a physical one.

Then yesterday morning I woke up with a headache and a general, not-feeling-so-good body. I went back to sleep for a little bit while Rob took care of Tiika in the hopes that it would help. No go. I ended up staying home from work. It just seemed like the best idea with everything that goes around this time of year.

I spent the entire day on the couch, snuggled with Tiika, reading. I still feel sort of woozy this morning. Hopefully being vertical for a while will be enough to overcome that sensation.

It was kind of a strange, low-grade sickness. I wonder if running on Monday somehow protected me from getting hit harder. I like to think so.

Here's greater health and more regular exercise in the New Year!

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