Saturday, October 6, 2007

blue mountain run

This year was the last year the Blue Mountain Clinic will be running their all women only run. Next year, men will be invited to participate.

Since I started running, I have wanted to participate in this event. Two years ago would have been the best year for me as far as being physically fit. I think I could have even trained for the 10K. It didn't work out that way. Oh well. Happily, I was able to get myself in shape enough over the last month or so that I could do the 5K today without dying.

Below is a Google map of the course. Most of it was in the equestrian park so was quite nice (no cars and soft but firm ground). If you click on the "Hyb" tab in the upper right corner you can actually see the ground we ran.

View Larger Map

Rob and Tiika came with me and lent their full-on support.

Tiika was very helpful and gave me her tips for running the distance: "Like this Mama!"

Here I'm anxiously listening to the directions, waiting for the signal to start.

Can you find me in the crowd? "Where's Jenn?"
Whew! The finish line. I made it in 34:38. Not bad. It's actually a little bit better than my time earlier this week so I'm ok with it.
And radiating joy from completion!! Woohoo!!

Thank you Rob for the support to train for this and for being the photographer recording the images of the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl!! I am so proud of you, it inspires me, maybe I should get into shape and start running again so the next time you are in town we can run together! You did awesome!
Love you