Wednesday, August 22, 2007

movie: FairyTale A True Story

On Monday night we watched a sweet little movie, FairyTale: A True Story. We both enjoyed it. It's about two little girls in the English countryside toward the end of WWI. They lived on a beautiful property that was simply enchanting for them. In fact, it was so magical they were able to take pictures of themselves with fairies! Somehow Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ("Precisely, Holmes!") came across the photos and ... well, you'll have to watch the movie to find out the rest. There is a better description here if you're interested. It stars Harvey Keitel and Peter O'Toole and was made in 1997. We both thought the two little girls were outstanding in their roles.

Mandy M - I think your kids would like it. Caitlyn might be a little young but perhaps not with big brother or mommy by her side.

Bob & Valerie - Rob thinks you two would especially enjoy it.

Let us know if you check it out.

PS I ran as planned this morning. It went better than Monday even though about half way through it started to smell smoky. My lungs hurt for a bit this morning either from that or the cold air. Depending on the smoke levels, I'm shooting for a third run on Friday.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip, Jenn! We'll check it out.

:) Bob

Anonymous said...


Please be careful about running in the smoke. Not sure if the benefits outweigh the hazards.


Anonymous said...

That does look like a great movie! Maybe Netflix has it...I will have to check it out. Thanks!
Love you guys!
PS...It has to be really cold like 30's before my lungs hurt, my guess its the smoke. Be careful, maybe the walking at the moment is best! =)