Tuesday, July 31, 2007

harry potter and the almost skunking

I finally started Harry Potter 7 last night. It starts off with a bang, doesn't it? I'm not concerned if Harry lives or dies because I think he lives. What I'm curious about is the status of Dumbledore and Snape. I won't be more specific because some people reading this blog still haven't read a single page of the Potter saga. (*nudge nudge* dear husband)

This morning Tiika and I had a close call with a skunk. At least I think it was a skunk. I smelled it faintly in the air. As it scurried off the tail appeared fuzzy and erect as I've seen skunk tails in pictures. It was completely black though. Maybe it was an immature one. Regardless, I'm glad we didn't get sprayed. It wouldn't have been a good start to our day.

Off to get showered and ready to face another day.


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