Tuesday, July 31, 2007

harry potter and the almost skunking

I finally started Harry Potter 7 last night. It starts off with a bang, doesn't it? I'm not concerned if Harry lives or dies because I think he lives. What I'm curious about is the status of Dumbledore and Snape. I won't be more specific because some people reading this blog still haven't read a single page of the Potter saga. (*nudge nudge* dear husband)

This morning Tiika and I had a close call with a skunk. At least I think it was a skunk. I smelled it faintly in the air. As it scurried off the tail appeared fuzzy and erect as I've seen skunk tails in pictures. It was completely black though. Maybe it was an immature one. Regardless, I'm glad we didn't get sprayed. It wouldn't have been a good start to our day.

Off to get showered and ready to face another day.


Monday, July 30, 2007

been very absent

I have been very absent on the blog. It has been nearly a month since I last posted. Yikes! I intended to be better about writing than that. The best of intentions sometimes are interfered with. In this instance it's been the weather. It has been way too hot! And since our place holds the heat so very well in the summer, it tends to be 10 degrees hotter inside than out. At least that's what it feels like to me. The net result is that we typically get home in the afternoon, grab some food and Tiika, then head to the river to swim and cool off. We stay until we are tired and it's close to bedtime. Hence, no time or desire to sit in front of the computer and write in the heat.

Fire season has been going on for a few weeks now but has kicked into high gear in our neighborhood. We have two fires pretty near us. One is practically in our backyard, the Golf Course Fire, and the other is down the road about 15 miles. The following article gives an update:

(We are at approximately milepost 109 for reference.)

I had a great visit to Portland with a 24 hour art stop in Seattle last weekend. I feel like I am barely getting settled back into being home and now I have to get ready to leave again. We are heading out on Friday after work to celebrate Gretchen's birthday in Seattle, do a little more reconnaissance on the move and then hit Washington County for Brad and Mandy's wedding. Whew!

Hopefully by the time we get back from this trip the temperatures will have dropped to something more reasonable and I can get into a more frequent writing mode. We're looking forward to seeing everyone and taking part in the upcoming celebrations.


Sunday, July 1, 2007

just read

In preparation for my trip last weekend, Rob and I went and scoured the cheap book racks at Barnes & Noble. Although I knew the trip was going to be quick and jam-packed, I wanted some light reading to fill the gaps and let me unwind as needed. I also had two 2-hour ferry trips I thought I needed to fill with activity and reading is the perfect thing to do on a long ferry ride.

Alas, I ran into friends I hadn't seen in a dozen years so spent most of my time catching up with them. In spite of that, of the three books I bought before leaving, I've already finished two of them.

I think some of you might enjoy them also so decided to share 'em real quick. The lead character in both books grew up in roughly the same time frame as I so I quickly identified with them though their lives were dramatically different than mine.

wish, by Melina Gerosa Bellows is about a girl with a twin brother who is autistic. It tells the story of how she deals with him and his quirky habits and needs. Of course, it also chronicles her teenage years including best friends, boy friends vs boyfriends, going to college and a fledgling career in the world of celebrity magazines. I was particularly touched by her relationship with her brother which is a central theme. This was an easy, fast read.

The second book, I've recently finished is the Myth of You & Me by Leah Stewart. This one felt meatier than wish but I ran through it almost as fast. It's about two best friends, how they broke up and why, and the desires of an old man for them to reunite. There's also a love story thrown in there for good measure. I really enjoyed it and intend to look for Body of a Girl by the same author.

So that's it for now. We're hoping to go for a mountain bike ride today with Tiika. Maybe this time I'll remember the camera so I can post pictures from our favorite weekend riding spot.

We're also looking forward to the broken up week with the holiday in the middle. We don't have any plans since it's only one day and difficult to get away for such a short time but a change in the routine is nice all the same. Anyone else got great plans?
