Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day

Yesterday we went on a great hike up at Lolo Pass to see the wild camas in bloom. It was gorgeous. After the camas bloom dies, the bulb is a tasty source of nutrition, at least it was seen as such by the Native Americans. Since I've never tasted them myself, I'll have to go on faith for that one. What I do know is they put on quite a display this year.

The pictures don't show it as well as I would have liked but in person, the blooms looked like lakes of blue across the meadow. Especially in the first two views below. You can kind of spy it along the right edge of green.

Two intrepid travelers loping across Packer's Meadow. I don't know the history of it other than the fact that Lewis & Clark passed by here both coming and going on their voyage.

Part of the reason the bloom is so spectacular this year is the amount and timing of the rain we've had this spring. It has created a lovely meandering stream and bog, too. Moose are frequent visitors to this meadow though we didn't see any yesterday.

If there's water, you know Tiika must swim!

And then shiver a bit because it was really too cold to be swimming in that water. Didn't really seem to phase her though.

TaDa! A closeup of the reason we were there...aren't they lovely?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What gorgous photos...and it looks like you figured out how to do the photo placement just fine...looks great!