Friday, November 28, 2008

T Day breakfast YUM!

Yesterday was a lovely, relaxing day spent with just the three of us, mostly at home. It began with this scrumptious meal: farm fresh eggs benedict with uncured ham and homemade hollandaise sauce (no bread though it wasn't missed) and fresh brewed coffee with real half and half. Oh my! Rob truly outdid himself with this one. (side note: you can't really see it in these pictures, but the eggs were heart-shaped! We finally used the heart egg poacher we received as a wedding gift!)

As you can tell from the photo, it was a bright and sunny day here. We took full advantage of it and went for a hike with Tiika. It was great to see how many other people were soaking up some rays and stretching their legs pre-Thanksgiving Dinner.

We came home and feasted on an anti-pasta plate then played our own version of Scrabble. It was cooperative in nature and more fun than I thought it might be. =) Then it was time to get dinner going.

We had a pork roast with homemade mustard rub, roasted carrots, onions and beets and parmesan-garlic green beans. This was followed by a unique pumpkin pie (made with an almond meal and coconut oil crust and coconut milk instead of sweetened condensed milk) and real whipped cream. I felt full and satisfied but not overly stuffed.

It was a good day. Many thanks were shared and received. Though we missed seeing family, it was kind of nice to just laze around and not have to be anywhere at any particular time. As for next year...who knows what it will be like...we're looking forward to finding out!

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