Wednesday, November 19, 2008

a new cousin!

There's a new member of our family! Beautiful babe, Grace Annabelle showed up on Sunday, a full day ahead of her scheduled arrival. (I wonder if this will be a trend? An early bird in our family??) She weighed in at 9lbs 2.5 ozs and measured 21 inches. And look at all that hair!! I hear it's sort of a dark burnt sienna color, not red but something like a well worn penny.

Many congrats to Kirsten, Jer and Kellen. We can't wait to meet her...


Anonymous said...

SHE IS SOOO SWEET! Maybe a baby girl will be coming from your side soon to play with her. =)
Love you,

Pat said...

Did I hear there might be one coming your way? Yeah she is sooo beatiful but then this is coming from her grandma. I love reading your blogs (it that correct?) It helps me stay connected to you.