Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Peace Park

Since Saturday, the weather has been glorious here. Freezing cold mornings give way to lovely, sunny, warm (50's) afternoons. It's supposed to hold until this Saturday and then the rain will move in.

Though I was knee deep in chores all day Saturday and wanted to get more done on Sunday, Tiika needed to get out. (Honestly, so did I.) I got going early Sunday morning and we headed into town for a hike over Waterworks Hill and through the Peace Park set up by the Jeanette Rankin Peace Center. I even remembered the camera to document our hike. Enjoy!

This is the best pic I could get of the peace sign that dominates the area. It replaces the peace sign that used to live up there on an sign owned by Qwest that no longer stands. It was a great town landmark and I'm very glad the Peace Center put together a new one in a similar location.

This is a close up of how the sign is made. It is a collection of mostly white fabrics. I saw everything from t-shirts to sheets and towels. They are all anchored by rocks. Some of the rocks are painted white, some are not. Others have messages painted on them. All were placed in hope for peace.

Of course, some people will walk right through the symbol of peace! She didn't disturb anything though, just pranced through without a care in the world.

And this one is just plain goofy! I look like I'm enjoying myself though, don't I? I've got my shades and my tunes, the sun is shining and the wind blowing through my hair. All was good.

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